The Portals page, found under Menu > preferences > Plugins > Portals, lists all the defined Portals and provides options to Add or Update new versions.

The list below the options shows which Portal binding belongs to which Portal.

The groups are collapsed by clicking on the group header.
A Portal binding consists of a connection status (online/offline/testing), the binding name, the binding path and the options to search for usages and to delete such a Portal binding. You can only delete a Portal binding if it is not currently in use.
You can check where a Portal binding is used by clicking the Search usages button. By double clicking such a usage, the Model that uses the binding will be opened.
- The portal assembly to add must be in .dll format. Otherwise an error message will be shown.
- When you try to update an existing Portal to a newer version, you will encounter an error message if the version is the same or older than the one currently installed.
- An error message is also shown if a wrong portal is selected.