
Attachment fields in FireStart are used to handle files during the workflow. Files can be down-/uploaded from/to attachment fields manually with the file picker control or automatically with various activities or custom check routines.

Creating Attachment Fields

Attachment fields can be added to both business entities and workflow variables. They are added like normal fields and the type has to be changed to Attachment.


File Picker Control in Tasks

With the file picker control, you can upload files to an attachment field. The attachment field the files are uploaded to has to be added to the task as output. The configuration of the file picker can be seen on the right side in the group Configuration.



Adding files works via the browse button or with drag & drop. If the attachment field already contains files, you can download these files, view them in a preview window or delete them.


Mobile View

On a mobile device, you can select different options supported by the device. For example, take a picture or video, record audio or choose a file saved on the device.


Attachment Field Formatter

The attachment field formatter provides four different formats. The internal format and three custom ones.


Internal format

The internal format is used when no formatter is configured. It is used when writing attachment fields to other attachment fields.

Base64 string - Whole ZIP Archive

This formatter returns a base64 string representing all files in a zip archive.

Base64 string - First File

This formatter returns a base64 string representing the first file in the attachment field.


This formatter returns the filenames of the files in the attachment field. If the attachment field contains multiple files, the filenames are concatenated with a semicolon.

Business Entity Value View

If you click on the business entity or workflow variable during an execution you can view the current values. In the values of an attachment field, you can click on the different files in it and open them.
