Business Entity Activities

Business Entity Activities are mostly for the communication between FireStart and third-party systems. Thef Business Entity Activities are the following:

  • Add Business Entity Item
  • Remove Business Entity Item
  • Select Business Entity Item(s)
  • Synchronize Business Entity Items

Add Business Entity Item 

With this activity, a new item can be added to a business entity. The business entity can come also from an external system, such as a database or SharePoint. In the Source, you can define the data you want to store in the Target fields. The ID of the new element is returned in an optional output. With the checkbox Use new item in workflow, the added item will be assigned to the selected Business Entity items.




Remove Business Entity Item 

With this activity, you can delete items of a business entity. With the radio buttons at the top of the wizard, you can choose to delete specific business entity items through a condition or to delete the active item.

Caution: Data will also be deleted from the system the business entity is mapped to.



Select Business Entity Item(s) 

With the Select Business Entity Items activity, a field of a business entity item can be selected through a query. If you want to select all the items click on the Select all radio button, by doing this also Configurations options are available: with the Distinct field you can choose which distinct field you do not want to be repeated in the list and define an order, descending or ascending can be set on Sort by field, use Select top items to let you choose items from the top of your order. The output data can be just the count of the items by checking the option Use item count only, in case this is not selected the item count will be stored anyway in the hidden field BE_ITEM_COUNT. 



Synchronize Business Entity Items 

This activity is used to synchronize two business entities. This consist of two tabs:
-General, here you can choose the direction of synchronization in case of directional both of selected entities will be treated as the source. In the Last-Modified field, you can select the last modified one to be set in the target, you can choose if a certain date format is specified or a condition, like greater than. With column identifier you can set also more than one identifier, with this you can make, source or target, behave as they have a composite Primary key. The output can be selected in the last radio button menu.
-Mapping, here the mapping between fields of the source and target can be set, if needed there is also the possibility to add a text item.



