Configuration via URL Parameters

After the installation of the FireStart Server, you can configure the Process Portal. The default path where the README.txt can be found in C:\Program Files\PROLOGICS\PROLOGICS Process Portal. The README.txt contains the same information as described below. The FireStart Process Portal can also be integrated with SharePoint. In SharePoint itself you have to use a "Page view web part", and in those web part properties, you can configure the URL of the integrated Process Portal. In addition to that, with the URL parameters, you have the possibility to show or hide specific parts of the Process Portal. For the configuration via URL parameters, you have the following options.

https://<server>:<port>/?type=<type> Starts the portal with the navigation panel set to the specified type. Possible values are ProcessTemplateOperation, OverviewOperation, RoleOperation, DocumentOperation, DomainOperation, RiskOperation, BusinessEntityOperation, ITSystemOperation.
https://<server>:<port>/?modelid=<guid>&type=<type> Skips the startpage and immediately loads the specified model of the specified type.
https://<server>:<port>/?modelid=<guid>&type=<type>&subelementid=<guid> Skips the startpage and immediately loads the subprocess of the specified model of the specified type.
https://<server>:<port>/?modelid=<guid>&type=<type>&center=<guid> Skips the startpage and immediately loads the specified model of the specified type and centers on the specified element.
https://<server>:<port>/?id=<guid>&type=Task Skips the startpage and immediately loads the specified task.
https://<server>:<port>/?zoom=<percent> The initial zoom factor for the model in % (value must be between 50 and 200).
https://<server>:<port>/?gui=<000000> Each digit of the gui parameter that is set to 1 hides a gui element. From left to right the digits stand for hiding the header, navigation panel, navigation filter, view selection, property panel, module selection.
https://<server>:<port>/?navigationpin=<1> Specifies if the navigation panel should be pinned or unpinned. Default is pinned.
https://<server>:<port>/?navigationsearch=<text> Initially filters the navigation by the given search string.
https://<server>:<port>/?navigationpin=0&navigationshow=<1> If the navigation panel is explicitly NOT pinned. You can specify if it should be initialy expanded or collapsed by setting the navigationshow parameter to 1 or 0.
https://<server>:<port>/?propertypin=<0> Specifies if the property panel should be pinned or unpinned. Default is unpinned.
https://<server>:<port>/?language=<en/de/...> Specifies and overrides the gui language. Default is the browser locale.