Create and Map a Business Entity

What are Business Entities?

In general, Business Entities are representing one or several instances of a data set (item). The data set is represented as a list, but it can also be used as a single element, if there is only one item in the list, or only one item is selected. If you want to store several items, you need a Business Entity. In use cases where several items should be processed, you can loop through the Business Entity using the Loop element. 

Create a Business Entity

Open the Business Entity designer from the navigation pane.


Create a new business entity model by clicking New Model from the ribbon menu Main. In the property pane, give the model a name.



Drag & drop a business entity element from the element repository onto the canvas to add a new business entity. You can rename the business entity by double-clicking the business entity element. 


The business entities can also be grouped by dropping a business entity group element onto the canvas. You can change the shape and the size of the group by clicking and dragging the dots of the group element. By clicking the +-pin on each business entity, they can be added to the group. If the -pin is displayed at the role, the role has been attached to the group successfully. To attach all roles to an underlying group, click the create-role-document-and-it-system-models-2017-05-23-2-1-icon. To change the group name, double-click the group.    

To save the created model click on the Save-button in the ribbon menu in the Main tab.


In the save-dialog select a scope (or create a new one) and click Save.

Map a Business Entity

To properly use the business entity in a workflow, there is one step left to do in the business entity designer. Namely, the business entity element needs to be mapped. To do so, open the quad menu by right-clicking the element. Choose the Field Definitions, and switch to the Mappings tab. With Add a new dialog opens.


On the left side of the dialog, the third-party system you want to map needs to be selected. After you choose the system to map, the appropriate configuration options show up on the right side of the dialog. Please fill out the displayed configuration options with the relevant data.


With a click on Next, you get to the next step. With drag & drop, the fields of the third-party system can be mapped to the business entity. Only mapped fields can be used in the workflow later, all other fields will not be available nor visible. The mapping can also be done by double-clicking the fields of the source (third-party system). If you need all fields anyway, you do not need to generate each one but you simply click Generate all and all fields from the source will be applied to the target (business entity).


To save the mapping click Finish, and with the OK button in the underlying dialog you confirm the mapping and the dialog closes. Now the business entity element is mapped to a third-party system and can be used in a workflow.
