

FireStart provides the possibility to use self-generated templates for Word Export and Print Documents. This allows you to print your models either ordinarily or with a FireStart template. FireStart provides individual templates that suit your business. 

Word Template

You can design your own word template and simply copy it to the path <FireStartInstallDir>\FireStart Resources\Client Update\Templates\WordExport. Be sure to pay attention to how your template is named. You need specific names for each model template otherwise FireStart will not be able to find your templates. 
Every module type has its own template name. If there is no name specified, the default name ("Documentation_Template.docx") will be used. For more versions of a model, you can use sub-folders. This means if you have a process modeled with and without an IT-system, then you create two templates, one for default and another in a sub-folder where the templates are named the same. The following names are for the templates: 

  • "Documentation_Template.docx"
  • "Documentation_Process.docx"
  • "Documentation_ProcessMaps.docx"
  • "Documentation_Roles.docx"
  • "Documentation_Documents.docx"
  • "Documentation_ITSystems.docx"
  • "Documentation_Businessentities.docx"
  • "Documentation_Risks.docx"
  • "Documentation_Domains.docx"

In the template, there are specified fields you can use to add referenced models to the documentation as well. Or if you need a bit more information about the process, you can use specified fields to add the version of the process, or the user who created the process. The available fields are the following:


  • «RISKS»
  • «ROLES»

Model Information:

  • «TITLE»


Print Template

You will receive your own .dll dataset which should be copied into the Templates folder under the path <FireStartInstallDir>\FireStart Resources\Client Update\Templates. A restart of FireStart program is required before the templates are available. They are found in the Print dialog, under Templates and can be selected from a drop-down menu.

Hide Buttons and Views

In FireStart it is possible to hide views and therefore disable switching to a specified view. This can be done in the registry under PROLOGICS/PES/Designer and there you will find HiddenButtons and HiddenViews. With HiddenButton you can configure whether the number of connected people should be displayed or not. 

HiddenViews Options:

  • None: 0,
  • Table: 1,
  • FlowChart: 2,
  • BPMN: 4,
  • Matrix: 8,
  • Organigram: 16.

HiddenButtons Options: 

  • None: 0,
  • ConnectedPeople: 1.

If you would like to hide more views at once, you can do that by summing up the numbers of the views which should be hidden. For example, you want to hide the Table and Matrix view, then the number you have to set in the registry will be 9.

Mail Portal Template

FireStart provides a default setting of what the email looks like when a FireStart task is sent to an inbox. However, these settings can be customized if desired. To customize the settings, you first have to open the path <FireStartInstallDir>\FireStart Resources\TaskDeployment. There you will find the MailPortal.html file which is the file where the configuration is done. In addition to that our Mail portal template and a file with all the options to configure can also be found in this directory.

After edits in the MailPortal.html file, a FireStart Server process restart is needed, to take changes into effect.

The following variables can be used as a placeholder in order to customize the mail portal: 


This placeholder will be replaced with the name of the server.
FIRESTART_SERVER_PORT With the use of this variable, you have the possibility to display the port of the server.
FIRESTART_RECIPIENT_TOKEN If in any case the ID of the assigned user is needed, you will have to use this placeholder.
FIRESTART_ADDIN_DOWNLOAD_URL This placeholder contains the URL where the Outlook Add-In can be downloaded. 
FIRESTART_TASK_NAME If you would like to display the name of the task, you will have to use this placeholder.
FIRESTART_TASK_ID  In order to display the ID of a task use this variable.
FIRESTART_TASK_URL  This placeholder contains the URL of the task.
FIRESTART_EXECUTION_NAME  With the use of this variable, you are able to display the name of the execution.
FIRESTART_EXECUTION_ID  This variable will be replaced with the ID of the current execution.
FIRESTART_EXECUTION_URL Additional information of the execution namely the URL can be displayed using this placeholder.
FIRESTART_ADDITIONAL_URLS This placeholder should be used if you want to display additional task links using SharePoint bindings.