EWS Service OAuth Migration

As per Microsoft’s announcement, Office365’s suite of products will disable the Basic Authentication flow. In order to comply with these changes, FireStart now provides the recommended authentication method called OAuth 2.0, which can be found when mapping Business Entities from SharePoint.

The following steps describe the process to configure OAuth for EWS Service:

Register your application with Azure Active Directory: Use the following guide to register the application and configure delegated authentication. Add EWS.AccessAsUser.All permission to the application and give consent (the green icon in Status column should appear):


EWS.AccessAsUser.All permission is added, and consent is granted.

In addition, go to the Authentication page and set Allow public client flows to Yes for the newly create application in Azure.


In FireStart, go to External Services > EWS Service and fill in Client Id and Tenant Id of your Azure Application.


Configuration of Default Client Id to be used for authentication of EWS Service.

Click Apply and close the window.

After Tenant Id and Client Id are configured, you will be able to configure Mail Activities like you did this before. Please, populate all required fields during configuration of EWS Mail Service:


Configuration of EWS Mail Service. Fill in the required fields with the credentials of a user that has permission for emails sending.