License Overview

The Client provides an overview over logins and completed tasks for an overview of the required licenses for the administrator. To access it, go to Menu > Preferences User Management > Licensing Information.


In the default view, the list will show you all users who have ever logged in via the RichClient or a Portal. Users connecting via the Rich Client are considered “Management Users” and someone connecting via the Process Portal, Outlook AddIn or Teams AddIn is considered a “Portal User”.

The From and To dates allow you to specify in which period completed tasks are considered. They only affect the task count and do not filter the result list.

In the Result section, you can find the number of Management and Portal Users, as well as the sum of the completed tasks within the specified period. Note that if you filter the result list by completed tasks, the summary will only consider available users.

When you first install a version where this feature is available the data will be inferred from existing Tasks and user information. Afterward, the tracking will also consider tasks that do no longer exist.