Remote Event Receiver (RER)

These settings are always needed. You may use default settings except for the service credentials. They are especially relevant for SPO (most relevant), TFS and CRM. The Remote Event Receiver creates a gateway with which to receive updates from systems (updated or added or deleted data).

The tables below the screenshots provide guidance on what to fill in the fields.  


Basic Settings


URL of the RemoteEventReceiver, reachable from SharePoint (Online)

Server URL: The URL of the FireStart Server 
Port: Port of the FireStart Server


Domain of the FireStart server

Service Credentials
Username: Username of the service account that the RER is running with
Password: Password of the service account that the RER is running with


Note: If the RER is running on the same host as the FireStart server (default setting), it is recommended that the service credentials of the RER are the same as for the FireStart server process (see Basic settings).


Event Storing Settings


Event Storing Settings
Event Storing Method:  Choose the place to store incoming events from the RER before delivering to the FireStart server. Options are 'local' or 'azureblob'. 
Storage Connection String: When 'azureblob' is selected, 'Storage Connection String' and token must be provided.


Note: The view changes depending on whether the RER is installed on the same machine as the FireStart Server or on a different machine.