Set up a Substitution Plan

What if a process is not working correctly, and the process owner is not available for troubleshooting? No one except for the process owner gets the Activity Failed Task. For this case, we recommend having a substitution plan in place.

The substitution plan lets you appoint a user as a substitution for a specific period of time. Within this period, the user receives all the tasks from the user he substitutes  including the Activity Failed Tasks. 

Note: The process owner can still see the tasks assigned to the substitution user during the substitution plan. The process owner can see all tasks of his processes in the Supervisor tab from the Tasks Designer, does not matter to whom the task is assigned.

Create a Substitution Plan

Go to Menu > Preferences > User Management > Substitution Plans and click Add substitution rule.


In the dialog, select the user to be substituted and the substitute user. Besides the date of substitution, the reason for substitution can be selected and whether the finished tasks should be redeployed to the substitution user as soon as the rule is applied or not.


Click OK to save the rule and from the entered Start date on, Rusty Ryan (substitution user) receives all the tasks from Danny Ocean (substituted user - process owner) until the entered End date.