

You have the possibility to import models, even from other process modeling programs. If you want to transfer a process model to another server, you simply export it and make an import on the destination server. Or you modeled a process with a different modeling program and now with FireStart you want all processes united, then you can also import these models. But there might be a loss in elements or structure if FireStart doesn't know a specific element. 

Click Import in the Publish tab in the Import/Export section. A dialog opens, where you have to navigate to the model you want to import, select it and click Open. Another wizard is opened, where you can now choose what exactly you want to import from the fmex file.

After you have chosen the elements to import click Next, the next page allows you to choose whether you want to import it in a new version or not.

Another page is displayed when clicking Next where you see what exactly is going to be imported. Click Next again and the import starts.


To import a model, you first need to export it. For that, you can use the Export button in the Publish tab under the section Import/Export. In the export dialog, you can choose which of the models you would like to export by double-clicking them. A path where you save the export file on the PC needs to be specified, for that click on Browse. If you have to export a model which should be saved so that only authorized people have access you can use a password for that, by clicking Set password.

With Next you can choose which of the referenced models should be exported as well.

With a final click on Export, the chosen files are exported. To close the dialog, click Finish

Export to BPMN 2.0

It is also possible to Process Model in the .bpmn (BPMN 2.0) format to exchange the model with other BPMN tools. Please note that only the process is exported, all workflow related information and configuration is not exported.

For the export, open the model, go to the ribbon Publish and select the BPMN button. Select the Folder/FileName, where the .bpmn export file should be stored. Once the export has finished, the Windows Explorer is opened, showing the generated file.